Thursday, July 21, 2005

new address--check your email!

I will apologize in advance for the lack of the creative, insightful, and side-splittingly funny entry that you are no doubt searching for right now. Instead, I have another entry full of business. Well, maybe I can slip in a little extra here and there…we will just have to see.

The first order of business is that I have a new address and you can now send me packages if you like. Yay for packages! Unfortunately, I cannot post my new address here—the information is too specific, and thus Peace Corps’ guidelines are prohibitive. Not to worry though, I just sent an email to everyone in my address book with the new info. Please let me know if you have not received the email and would like it—I would be happy to send it your way. We have 4 weeks left of PST, so continue to use my current address for another week and then switch to the new one (July 25 or so, I guess). It is currently taking things 2-3 weeks to get here.

I will however post some guidelines for packages (I know you want to send me something….). This has also been included in my email to all of you.

Send them USPS air mail--the customs fee has been waived for Peace Corps volunteers, all other services have a 20% customs fee
Include a list of package contents
Tape up the box really good (duct tape isn’t a bad idea)--they get pretty banged up on their way here
Don't send any white powder, or like, stuff that will explode...or something

Here are some things that would make me really happy if they just happened to arrive in Armenia in a box with my name on it.....
Peanut Butter!!! Really hard to find and really expensive here.
Pictures of family and friends
Granola bars/clif bars
Kool-aid packets and other drink mixes
crackers/peanuts/dried fruit/other snack items that are semi-healthy
sauce mixes (the powdered kind), taco seasoning, etc.
tuna packets
mints, candy
gummi things (bears, swedish fish, worms...)
markers, colored pencils
nice smelling candles, lotions, etc.
if your feeling really adventurous....DVD's, music,and whatnot. I do have a computer with me to look at files, listen to music and watch movies.
Later on…coffee, I am hoping to get my hands on a French press at some point
Anything else that you think someone living in Armenia might miss about America....

And of course, please don't feel obligated to send a thing. I just thought I would make the process easier for those who are thinking about it. If none of this sounds appealing to you, just send me a letter or an email, I would love to hear from you!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jill
Well, I have just read 3 entries and you are hilarious! I still love the cat hair and marriage thought. Too funny. I will send you packages after a while. I am assuming that everyone will send you packages right away, so when they calms down, you will get a fun one from me!
Hope all is well and you are smiling.
Kristen :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jill
Well, I have just read 3 entries and you are hilarious! I still love the cat hair and marriage thought. Too funny. I will send you packages after a while. I am assuming that everyone will send you packages right away, so when that calms down, you will get a fun one from me!
Hope all is well and you are smiling.
Kristen :-)